our april 28TH Winner waS Sophia LaRue!
Sophia wrote an original song about her everyday hero, her mom -
and she received a gift card to Mancino's Pizza and Grinders!
and she received a gift card to Mancino's Pizza and Grinders!
Read her song Here!
Our April 14th Winner was Micah Sawyer!
Micah submitted the song "Lion's Blood" in response to our prompt for the week, "Courage."
He won a gift card to Moe's Southwest Grill!
He won a gift card to Moe's Southwest Grill!
Listen to "Lion's Blood" Here!
our april 7th winner was Samuel White!
Sam's original song, "Take My Hand and Walk With Me," was the winning response to our topic, "Unity."
For his contribution to the project, Sam received a $20 gift card to Shogun Bistro!
For his contribution to the project, Sam received a $20 gift card to Shogun Bistro!
Introducing "Project Praiseworthy"
create and Share art for fun and prizes!
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."
Phillipians 4:8 |
As the world suddenly finds extra time on its hands, artists are rising up and filling the void by doing what they were created to do - CREATE! At ARTS ALIVE!, we believe that all people are made in the image of the Creator and are called to create for His glory. So, in whatever corner of the world you may be -
We challenge you to join the fray and create some praiseworthy art that highlights the beauty and hope in the world around us! Each Tuesday, we will give you a creative prompt and ask you to take it from there. Post your art (whether it is a video, painting, poem, dance, song, etc) with the hashtag #projectpraiseworthy by midnight each Monday night. We will announce our favorites and award prizes each Tuesday (on both our website and social media) - followed by a new prompt for the next week! |
- To be considered for awards and recognition, art must be posted on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #projectpraiseworthy by midnight each Sunday. (If necessary, art may also be submitted by email to [email protected], with the same deadline)
- All art forms and media are permissible (written word, visual art, music, dance, film, etc), but you must be able to share your art digitally to be considered
- All film/video projects and video presentations of other artforms must be no more than 10 minutes in length
- Written compositions should be no more than 1000 words, but may be an excerpt from a larger work
- Submissions will be judged for excellence as well as for how well they embody the weekly prompt and the spirit of Phillipians 4:8 - "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Although Arts Alive is a Christian organization (see our statement of faith), artwork does not necessarily need to be based on the same worldview, as long as it presents positive ideas in accord with Phillipians 4:8.
- Decisions of our judges will be final. Weekly winners will be announce on the artsaliveky.com website, as well as our social media channels.
- Art may be either individual work or group projects (family collaborations are encouraged!). All submissions must be the original work and property of the person(s) posting.
- Prizes will vary week to week. If you are interested in sponsoring or providing any prizes for the challenge, please contact us at [email protected]